The time has come for which our beloved people wait for a year. With the daily decrease in temperature, the demand of warm and fashionable items increased rapidly. Insignia is catering the needs of its family and offering Mega Winter Sale.
This great sale took initiative with a great hype, which started from few days prior to sale. This was done to create awareness among the people since the products run of the stock in no time; we wanted to inform you before time. So the below teasers started releasing before sales.
Teaser 1
This is the very first teaser of the winter sale. This intimation created a great awareness among people since they were already waiting for as such offer. Since the date was not revealed, the recklessness caught a rise among all.
The animation in the pre hype post made it more interesting.
Teaser 2
In order to remind our followers the count down for sale was begun at the evening time. It helped people a lot to stay tuned at Insignia before time.
Teaser 3
The second teaser was released after few hours of the first teaser it created the FoMo among our people and they started adding their desired products in the cart, so that when the sale gets live, their products will not get out of the stock.
Teaser 4
Finally it was around the corner, only an hour was left in the commencement of Mega Winter Sale and with the ticking of clock; everyone was getting ready to place order. The countdown was also functional on website to remind people exactly after how much time the sale would start.
Live Sale Online
The time had come, the sale got live on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and website. But to everyone’s surprise the sale got live for online store only on 5th of January 2022, while it was surprise that sale is going to be live in stores from the next morning i.e. 6th of January 2022. The following post announced the commencement of online sale.
Sale In stores
The sale got live at the night of 5th of January online but it got live in stores from the morning of 6th January 2022. The online sale was convenient for the people who couldn’t visit stores, they got their desired products online but on the other hand some people, who lost the track of time, missed it. But it was a wave of happiness that they availed it in stores. Below are the posts that were used to announce the sale.