Usually if you have noticed around you or even in your own routine, it is not a surprising thing to say that feet are considered at the end when people think of the skin care routine. Whether it is the facial skin, hair care or hands’ care the last bothered care is the feet care. Don’t you agree? Whenever you wash your face, you tend to apply moisturizer, whenever you wash your hands you tend to apply hand cream. When you think of applying moisturizer on your feet? Yeah, just stop thinking you don’t have an answer of it.
We would have not emphasized on foot care if it had not severe consequences such as bad odour, corns, cracked heels, bacterial or fungal infections etc. Insignia is a shoe expert and it recommends to have healthy feet in order to be a trend setter of every classy shoe.
If you don’t have any skin disease then follow the foot care practise mentioned below and live a beautiful life.
1. Wash your Feet Regularly
Since our feet get exposed to dust and dirt; wrapped in shoes and socks all day that could make them vulnerable for fungal and bacterial infections, so wash them daily should be a routine. The most vulnerable part of the feet for such infections is the skin between toes. Therefore, it is highly recommended to wash off your feet at least once a day to get the sweat and dirt cleansed off.
2. Try to Keep your Feet Dry
Try to protect your feet from dampness, it causes the major skin diseases like painful blisters and chapped heels which further can become magnet for grime and dirt.
3. Apply Moisturizer
Try to properly apply a good dose of moisturizer after washing your feet. The best options in moisturizers are the petroleum jelly and cocoa butter from any known and reliable company.
4. Removal of Jagged Skin
If you are applying even the best moisturizer of the world on your feet, it is of no use if the skin is dead on upper level. Hence it is equally imperative to remove dead skin first, before applying anything, so exfoliate your feet’s dead skin once in a month. Exfoliation can be done using loofas or pumice stones but lightly. It helps to get rid of grime and dirt that support dead skin. Furthermore, you can use homemade scrub to exfoliate your feet.
Scrub Recipe: Mix sugar with olive oil, and add few drops of tea tree oil.
5. Occasional Pampering
Treat your feet with the best remedies even if you do it once a week. So take a tub of hot water that your feet skin can bear and soak your feet for 10-15min every week. It will make your feet skin soft. Now gently rub your feet and thoroughly apply the cream having rich Vitamin E, and if you have inflammations or infection then you should use anti-bacterial cream upon doctor’s advice.
Try to follow this routine and you will see the best results and also it will make your muscles relax.